Here's our toddler rearing institution. We have the adult bedroom in one corner and three separate toddler room on one side and four on the other. We also have a sunken bathroom to keep the tots out of the toilet, although that tub down there was a bad idea. In the main living area it alternates between a toy and a potty so there is never too far to walk. there are also 4 trash compactors right there for easy disposal. We also have a kitchen in the middle, not that it gets used much beyond getting bottles. Finally you see those two chairs in the far back corner? Those are supposed to be for the nannies to sit down and maybe nap, but they got used. Now let's meet the inmates, I mean family. The Kaufman's.
Ut-oh, this was a big one. -5 points for the parent passing out. Rachel: I was trying not to die. See the cereal? Yeah, I know. Great job not dying!!!
This was just funny. The floating head to select something has the Ken doll in his mouth! Hehe.
Ian did well too. 2 skills, no toddler skills. Jack grew up on his own at about 8PM the next day. Way to go little man, 4 skills!!! No toddler skills though.
1. +3 points for each toddler skill (potty, walk, talk) each toddler learns (max 63 pts) 0 2. +3 points for each toddler that grows up well (determined by the memories of the parent) 21 (they all did) 3. +1/2 point for each skill point earned by all toddlers 8 (16 skills) 4. +3 points for each toddler that ages to child in platinum (stacks with growing up well) 0 5. -2 points for each use of the Energizer painting 0 6. -2 points each time you hire a nanny -10 (5 nannies) 7. +1 point each time a nanny pees herself 7 (peeing 7 times) 8. -5 points each time your parent passes out from exhaustion -10 (passed out twice) 9. -5 points for each visit from the Sim Therapist 0 10. -1 point for each baby bottle you delete from buy mode 0 11. -5 points if you use moveobjects to move any sim for any reason 0
Basic Scorring Total 16
1. -1 point for each toddler that passes out on the floor -50 (no joke) 2. -1 point for each diaper changed -8 (but it might have actually been more) 3. -1 point for each social worker warning message you get 0 (I had 3 warning last time, so I did better there.
Total with Advance Scoring -42
OMG that would be such a hard challenge for me as I am not the maternal sort in RL or the sims :( But it was very funny reading your blig. Way to go on giving it another go
OMG!! This was great! I loved it! Poor girl was dying there, huh? LOL!!!
Wow, what a scary challenge! You are a far braver simmer than I am (excuse the "special" grammer).
Lots of babies fainting! Wow.
Great job of course
i'd ignore Advanced Scoring.
Good job finishing
Wow that looks hard. I think I might have to give it a go. You did great though! I don't think I'll be able to compare!
LOL.. what a fun challenge! Not for your Simself obviously..:)
But at least they all remained in the house and grew up well!
Holy Moly you rock!
I don't know if I could do this. I may have to give it a go now that I've seen how great you did.
Woman, I am so impressed! And I loved each of the toddlers having different custom skins, nice touch!
Really cute toddlers! And you get us all infected with the itch to play this challenge. Might have to give it a go myself!
Good one!
OMG i tried this callenge a couple of times and only recently have succeded! There are so many points when you are just about to lose :)
lol! That was excellent. I love how all the kids are so colourful. You are a far more patient simmer than I. Well done.
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